Piece of Work with Danielle Tantone
Hi there. Welcome to Piece of Work, the Podcast. I’m Danielle Tantone. I’m a nurse, author, coach, and survivor.
I love inspiring people to live their best life, reach for those big dreams, and find joy even in the pain.
As I wrote my memoir over so many years, trying to make sense of a story where I was way too often the bad guy instead of the hero, I came to understand that we are all a piece of work. But we’re also a work in progress. And even in our messiness, we are a work of art, too. All at the very same time. In fact we are all beautifully unique pieces of one masterpiece, waves in the same ocean.
This podcast explores the stories and struggles that make us human, the miracles that surround us, and all the ways we work to make sense of it all. Welcome to Piece of Work, The Podcast, with Danielle Tantone.
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Piece of Work with Danielle Tantone
We're all a Work in Progress - Danielle and Michael Tantone
This one is sort of an informal interview, with Mike asking me the questions...then of course interjecting has own thoughts along with my answers! (When Mike and I are together on the podcast, there's always a lot of banter, but thankfully our usual bickering is held at bay by the microphones in front of our faces!)
- We lived just a few miles fro one another in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois
- Grew up in Scottsdale, AZ - when it was just a little western town (met Mike in high school. but didn't;t get together until 20+ years later!)
- Being multi-passionate in college, having many interests: musical theater, journalism, french
- Becoming a multi-passionate entrepreneur - from real estate, writing, insurance...
- Becoming a nurse
- Feeling fractured, confused, but able to focus on one thing at a time - Who am I in this moment?
- All the meanings of the word work - art work, life work, hard work...
- What it feels like to be a young vivacious soul in an aging body
- Doing young people things at an older age - going back to school. having babies older, getting married and being a newlywed
- How time goes so quickly and age is such a relative term and feeling
- How marriage can be hard - we definitely do not have a stress free marriage!
- How different people fight, handle their emotions, communicate, and regulate their emotions
- What my mom thinks about my book
- Passionate speech, raising voices, heated discussions
- How people respond to you is more about them than about you. It's really not about you at all.
- Even as we become more enlightened, make so much progress, we are all still just human, We have good days and bad, happy and sad, days we get it mostly right and days we get it mostly bad.
- Life isn’t linear
- Reacting to the world around us
- Kids, schedule, planning, forgetting things
- Reflecting on my own births and babies every single day while helping patients give birth and witnessing babies born.
- The brain as a sponge. We can only hold so many memories in it. At some point, if we want new memories, we have to wring it out and we may lose some of the old info to still bring in new.
- Juggling jobs, family, business, dreams
- Communication, listening more than we speak, fighting well, being stubborn.
- We both always have to have the last word
- Mike can Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, emotionally up and down
- The love of my kids - even though teenagers are harder than toddlers
- My greatest need has always been to be seen and understood. This is pretty tough with teenagers who just don't see you at all. Feeling invisible
- I’m a strong woman, I’ve come through a lot, and I have to be me.
If you would like to share your story on the show, please reach out….